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Our Inspiration stems from the desire to create an environment that gives creative individuals a home to stay when they visit London


The Earth Hostel symbolizes the several unique layers that form the earth. The expression of movement is used in the form of curves and waves. Designing a space that feels Organic and Pure.



Sustainability (Eco Hostel)

At the Earth Hostel, we have made several environmental improvements and impacts on the world.

Our Story

Born and raised in London,  the Founder and Owner of Earth Hostel  Abigail Oyabambi have always been a creative induvial, from studying Interior Design she learned the fundamental of what it takes to be a designer.  Whilst studying hard in University it also opened up the opportunity for her to follow her dreams of travelling, after travelling to over 10 countries during her time at university she always carried either a crochet hook, few balls of yarn, or a sketchbook with her. She never left her creativity at home! One trip in particular that blossomed the creation of the Earth Hostel was when she stayed at a hostel in  Bilbao, where she met an artist who carried heavy art equipment and massive canvases whilst creating art across the world. From this, she thought …. Only if there was a place where artists worldwide can bring their artist flare where ever they go.

And the rest was history!


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